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Our home is in Newent Community Centre. It has been a bit of a journey to get here! Our first home was a tent pitched in the Newent area but in the 1960s we settled in Glebe Chapel building on Glebe Close. After many great years there, the cracks in the wall began to show, the numbers of people started to grow, and the building could no longer hold us! At Glebe Chapel, we desire to be at the heart of the community and we sought to find a new building to help fulfil this mission. After searching and enquiring over many buildings, and every door appearing to close, we heard about Newent Community Centre and tentatively started to enquire.

We discovered Newent Community Centre was at risk of being lost to the community and so we prayed, held a ‘giving weekend’ and the money arrived for us to purchase it! We sold the old Glebe Chapel site for housing development to help finance the move and now we are in the process of renovating and developing the centre in order to create a building that is warm and welcoming for the whole community!

Our history is far more than just about the building. It would be empty if it wasn’t for the tireless work of so many faithful Christians over the years. That is the real legacy we hope to have as a community of believers. God has been very faithful in providing the right people at the right time to enable us to thrive as a family of believers. As you can see from the photos on this page we have had many adventures, experiences and life events together as a community. Now we are in the next chapter of Glebe Chapel’s history where we pray God will use the work before us and the work ahead of us to challenge, encourage and grow our faith and church. If you would like a full history of Glebe Chapel we would be more than happy to chat about it